How To Deal With Bad Reviews

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A bad review is a damaging thing to businesses but you can still do something with it. There are several things you can do or options to take against negative reviews. Doing so will give protection to the business and secure the its reputation.

Most customers who are happy with the product or service would write positive reviews. Thus, you need to encourage happy customers to write positive reviews. If there are many happy customers writing positive reviews, ratings would surely improve. This would then water down the number of negative reviews your company had received.

Always respond to reviews. A good businessman would find review sites as an opportunity to improve their standing and image in the eyes of their customers. Whenever they respond to positive or negative reviews, this creates an image of a business that values customer opinions. They’d also think that the businessman is willing to improve. Most of all, this would lessen the impact of negative review.

If there’s a customer who is not happy and has left a negative review, contact him and personally ask what’s the problem. Find a way to resolve the problem. If the customer would accept compensation, then give it to him or her. If there’s no longer any problem, leave an update so that others will know that the problem has already been resolved. The best thing about posting an update about how the problem was resolved would be that it will tell other people that the company is willing to resolve problems with their customers.

There are instances wherein trolls or individuals who hate your business will write fake negative reviews. There are also cases wherein a reviewer left a negative review but it was meant for a different business. This is a case of what we call “mistaken identity”. So when a negative review is left behind because of these suspected reasons, you can always request the moderators to have it removed.

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